Wick Property
Nemacolin Woodlands, PA
Restoration of Meadow Run on the Wick Property was centered on improving fish habitat and removal of a small dam. The project included work on 2000’ of Meadow Run and 350’ of Deadman’s Run, a small tributary stream. The work was designed to create diverse fishing opportunities for guests of the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort Flyfishing Program.
A highlight of the restoration was the removal of a small dam, which improved flows and added significant connectivity to the system. We also created a "mountain stream" fishing experience on Deadman's Run by enhancing pools and restoring log jams. The perineal cool water flows will encourage colonization by native brook trout, while cool water inputs at the mouth will act as a refuge for stocked fish in Meadow Run. The work also required removal of brush in the riparian area, which will be maintained to allow access and casting lanes for clients of the fishing program.
Removal of a 50’x6’ dam, improving flows and connectivity
Removal of sediment associated with the dam
Addition of boulders as pocket water and seam feeding habitat
Addition of log and toe wood structures as cover habitat
Improved access and casting lanes
Existing bridge, water and gas pipeline infrastructure unaltered

Before and after dam removal on Meadow Run
Tranquility Property
Nemacolin Woodlands, PA
Restoration of Beaver Creek on the Tranquility Property included work along approximately 3250’ of stream, including three individual side channels. We enhanced habitat at 20 separate sites, through the addition of logs and boulder clusters. Spawning gravels were restored, which will aid natural reproduction in the reach.
Five full channel weirs and several smaller structures were used to enhance pools and as grade control. Through careful positioning, these structures allowed us to both maintain flow in side channels, and to disperse high-water events into the natural floodplain. With high flows exceeding 50 CFS and base flows at 2 CFS, creative placement and design of these structures was imperative for a functioning channel throughout the year.
Restoration of previous in-channel work
Habitat enhancement for highly variable flows
Maintenance of floodplain connectivity and side channel habitat
Restoration of spawning habitat